New page, purchase comic link and REGULAR UPDATES!

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! A lot of good news. FIRST, if you haven’t noticed already, there is a BRAND NEW PAGE posted! It is PAGE ONE of PART THREE! This page starts off with a mysterious stranger meeting another mysterious stranger in a mysterious restaurant. Who tha heck ARE these strangers? Well, you’ll have to keep reading to find out! This leads me to my second piece of good news… comic page posts are going to happen more regularly! I will try to post every Friday. If I can’t post on Friday, then the new page will happen that following Wednesday. So, check up on us every once in a while to get your backspaceERASE on, OR “LIKE” us on Facebook to get the skinny on a more regular basis. THIRD (yes! There is MORE!) you can now BUY backspaceERASE! Crazy, right?? The first part of the comic is now available online for purchase! Buy a physical copy of the comic today! So, that’s all for now, thanks for reading and stay tuned for more space shenanigans!



Facebook page and weekly updates and NEW WRITER!

Hello backspace-ers!

A few announcements for you guys! First is the FACEBOOK  PAGE! Announcements, sketches, polls, and other fun things are usually posted to the facebook page, so if you want to stay “in the know”, LIKE us! The URL is https://www.facebook.com/backspaceERASE.

NEXT order of business is the comic update schedule. New pages of backsaceERASE will be posted EVERY FRIDAY, so don’t forget to bookmark the page so you don’t miss that new virtual comic page aroma!

FINALLY, there is a NEW WRITER! Oregon native and dapper urbanite, Alan Ullman has replaced Eric Robinson as head writer of backspaceERASE, so lets all give him a warm welcome!

-Ryan C



Welcome to the NEW backspaceERASE! New layout, new hosting. FAR less complicated to publish on the web now. All of the previously posted pages (say THAT three times fast!) are up and available to view. There may be some minor tweaks to the site layout wise, but for the most part, this WordPress blog version of backspaceERASE will serve as the comic’s official viewing platform. There is a lot of news to tell you all (all of it is good news), so stay tuned! Also, a new page will be up VERY shortly. Like…. a couple days shortly. Also, hopefully, pages are going to be released more consistently. Here’s hoping. Thanks for stopping by! If this is your first time at the backspaceERASE webcomic site, please stop by the “ABOUT” section to learn more about our heroes.